This is still an issue. Not all of the AWS provider resources are currently missing, however, they are out of date (see for example `aws_cloudfront_distribution`) and some of them are...
My solution is not clean, but it's quite effective if your use-case is specific. For example, I'm stripping spurious arrays from a `template_file` resource: ``` user_data=`json2hcl -reverse < user_data.tf` user_data=`echo...
I'd also be interested in this!
I'm getting exactly the same issue, and I can confirm that it only happens when loading data in JSON format (haven't tested XML though).
@nmuesch I'm resurrecting an old thread, but the above question was never addressed. I, too, have disabled most integrations, but I'm finding that they're all enabled when I visit the...
Just got a Raspberry Pi 400 and it looks like Go development will be hindered by this 😞
This is still happening with Terraform 0.13.5, when using `body` with [an API Gateway (v2)](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/apigatewayv2_api#body), using version 3.14.1 of the AWS provider. To add more clarity, I'm using the `file`...
First of all, thanks for your assistance. The HTTP request is being generated by my web browser, running on my local machine. The server that is hosting `nginx-proxy` is a...
I just wanted to add that I have recently switched on the `--iptables=false` flag and that I had already noticed this behaviour before that.
Yes, it's an existing DNS name that resolves to the public IP of the VPS. As far as I can see, the iptables rules that were applied initially by Docker...