I have Macbook Pro 8,2 (Early 2011) and (I believe) the same replacement Airport card. Running MacOS High Sierra 10.13.4 with all up to date patches. Running Continuity Activation latest...
@seanhoyt @airmanchairman OK...double Drat! I did not realize the update just came out today. My bad. I guess I won't install it now that I know you had trouble. Trying...
@seanhoyt -- Can you say whether you disabled SIP when you reinstalled the Activation tool after the Apple patch?
I just did the update, rebooted. Kept SIP disabled and reinstalled the Activation tool. Reboot. All is well.... Everything is "Yes" as in my first post above. 15in Macbook Pro...
I had a similar issue on 10.3.4. After a reboot, suddenly no Wi-Fi Hardware detected. I rebooted to recovery, disabled SIP, rebooted, uninstalled CAT, reboot, reinstalled CAT, reboot, reboot to...
@PeterHolbrook : Yep! Me too, MacBook Pro Early 2011 w/updated CAX BTLE great! Have not tried Mojave yet, and don’t plan to until at least official release. (Plus I’m...