Filippo Ledda
Filippo Ledda
Probably related: I have an app which uses griddle and also uses redux and the devtools: the devtools also tracking the Griddle state causing big spikes in memory and crashes....
Hi @aranega, thanks for your fast response. That's really a good point, I was just thinking about the overhead but we're possibly losing data we definitely don't want to lose.
Hi @aranega, thanks for the patch I'm trying make some tests but I'm getting the following error: ``` File "/home/user/testnwb/dependencies/pygeppetto/pygeppetto/model/values/", line 139, in no_check_eattribute_extend self.owner.notify(Notification(new=sublist, NameError: name 'Notification' is not...
Hi @aranega, I ran some tests and it's working perfectly. Performances are much better and we are no more losing data in the timeseries. Will this be ported into pyecore?