Filip Likavčan
Filip Likavčan
Is this project dead? A year after this was reported and php 8.1 still causes issues for phpbrew?
Tests for php >=8.1 are all green.
> Update: I have been looking at this code for over 10 minutes now and I am unable to figure out how it would be able to tell whether we're...
Hi, I've created a PR which would allow to automatically register all child class (enum) type names by registering their parent class (enum) type name. Then it would be possible...
This! I just wanted to create the same PR. I would leave the donation links at the bottom too and just copy them also to the top.
Wouldn't it more "EasyAdmin" way to have a new QUICK_EDIT action which would add "Quick edit" button which would open modal window with the selected fields in the quick edit...
Ak by sme kompletne zmenili PDF za JPG, tak by to sprehladnilo a zjednodusilo workflow, kedze by sme mohli userovi po odoslani formulara zobrazit preview a nad tym pole na...
Mozem na to pozriet ak to este niekto nerobi.
Ako? Ja som to medzicasom fixol a trochu som aj zrefactoroval js, len este musim dokoncit refactoring navigacnych odkazov. Mam v tom pokracovat, ci uz je bug fixnuty?