Xudong Cai
Xudong Cai
In unit tests varibales with "." in the name is allowed ``` // it 'parses varibales with "." in the name' do // expect(env('FOO.BAR=foobar')).to eql('FOO.BAR' => 'foobar') parseAndCompare(t, "FOO.BAR=foobar", "FOO.BAR",...
https://github.com/mojocn/base64Captcha/blob/1a6d007056a31d2525bb29780d37fc396634caee/captcha.go#L51 Store.verify should be used here, otherwise custom case-insensitive authentication cannot be implemented
Variables behave inconsistently when using batch inserts ``` people := []Person{} db.Select(&people, "SELECT * FROM person ORDER BY first_name ASC")
由于PHP的特性,每个请求都会connectNsqd,请问此时是扩展接管TCP连接池还是每次都会重新创建一个TCP链接,所以每次请求结束,都需要在__destrct函数中close NSQ链接避免NSQ连接数爆掉? 扩展在publish的时候属于那种情况?希望能帮忙解答,谢谢!