Jackson Fields

Results 44 comments of Jackson Fields

Looking at the linked thread it looks like you may have narrowed this down to your GPU not supporting H265. Changing the "Connection Codec" dropdown to "H264" might resolve this.

Does the OpenXR remoting sample here work for you: https://github.com/microsoft/MixedReality-HolographicRemoting-Samples/tree/main/remote_openxr

Can you tell me the full path to your MicrosoftOpenXR directory? It should be TestUnit/Plugin**s**/MicrosoftOpenXR But it sounds like it might be TestUnit/Plugin/Plugins/MicrosoftOpenXR

Can you right-click on the uproject and select "Switch Unreal Engine Version" This will retarget the project to your Unreal version

Fixed in the latest release: https://github.com/microsoft/Microsoft-OpenXR-Unreal/releases/tag/1.1.5 Marketplace is currently updating

Looks like this was missed when we fixed the interop between winrt::guid's and FGuid's. In a previous block in the UpdateDeviceLocations function, you can change the memcpy from this: ```...


Building for win64 is definitely possible: When you generate project files for your uproject, the MicrosoftOpenXR plugin should download some dependencies from NuGet and set the include path (via NuGetModule.Build.cs)...

A few issues you might be hitting here: 1. WindowsMixedReality and OpenXR are incompatible with each other - looks like you were successfully able to work around the compile by...

I'm suspecting this is a regression in the Unreal marketplace: It looks like marketplace builds are missing the Intermediate\Build\HoloLens directory for the Microsoft OpenXR plugin. I have an update pending...