Paulo Fidalgo

Results 8 comments of Paulo Fidalgo

As I've dig into this subject I will let here some useful documentation I've found about the issue, in case it can help anyone else: - (Safari and Facebook...

@presidentbeef I was thinking otherwise, do not raise a warning when you're using `find(parameters[:random]` because the value would be coerced to an Integer, just like `find_by(id: Integer)` which does not...

Given Devise supports reCapcha, would make sense to double it here?

This is an awesome idea, I landed here for the same request :)

@ilasorsa from what I've seen in the source it's not supported.

@andrewmcodes Haven't tried yet, but I guess I will not be using this gem anymore.

For those landing here but living on the minitest land: (shameless plug)

Facing this very same issue, with Rails 7, minitest 5.18.0 and minitest-hooks 1.5.0 and webmock 318.1 I guess the problem nowadays lies in the fact we run the tests in...