Gianluca Casati

Results 9 issues of Gianluca Casati

Maximum overkill: target dir defaults to /usr/local when user is root

Yes, there will be an algebra `v2.0` with the following goals: * TypeScript support, in particular take advantage of numeric types, see [here]( * Support ES module imports, see [here](

Octonion example could be the Fano plane

Use ℍ for quaternions Add an example, instead of calculations, with an hypercube Vertices can be generated with ``` let points = [] [0.5, -0.5].forEach((x, i, array) => { array.forEach(y,...

Importing *chartjs-adapter-luxon* in a TypeScript module you get a complain about missing typings declaration. I solved adding an *chartjs-adapter.luxon.d.ts* file with content ``` declare module "chartjs-adapter-luxon"; ``` I do not...

Hi, nice idea you had! It will be useful to many people. Do you think it is worth to add [browserify]( as bundler? I am using it for many projects,...

Try to implement GoL on Penrose, paper reference here: HN thread here:

For sure it can be improved rewriting it using new ES6 features like Set and Map. It would be nice to have a benchmark test.

Update uglify-es to terser lib