iPad 6th Gen is apparently not supported............. When trying to input a generator value and hitting enter it outputs this: *** Matty's Checkm8 APNonce Setter *** Do you want to...
FutureRestore GUI — v1.98.3 is NOT working on windows 10 (not starting up)................much bigger download size compared to earlier versions 1.98.2/1.98...... Thanks Tony
Hi Folks, Can someone explain why Snapback 2.0.2 (By MidnightChips) is working perfectly fine on my iphone 7 iOs 14.3 with checkra1n (0.12.4 beta) jailbreak but NOT (crashing immediatly by...
Like to now before trying Is your snapback version 2.0.2 compatible with an Iphone 12 pro on iOS 14.2 TYVM ! Tony