In policy_opt_tf, around line 70: ``` tf_map_generator = self._hyperparams['network_model'] tf_map, fc_vars, last_conv_vars = tf_map_generator(dim_input=self._dO, dim_output=self._dU, batch_size=self.batch_size, network_config=self._hyperparams['network_params']) ``` return values are expected in the form as multi_modal_network_fp gives them: (tf_model_example.py,...
I found this fixed an error that was otherwise raised by get_input_layer in my attempt at a box2d_arm_img experiment. I am not sure where in the initialization process of the...
## Proposed change In [python-glances-api release 0.5.0](https://github.com/home-assistant-ecosystem/python-glances-api/releases/tag/0.5.0), Glances' GPU sensors are exposed so that Home Assistant can display and track them. This change is about adding these GPU sensors to...
As per the discussion and solutions provided around here: https://github.com/dracula/zsh/issues/11#issuecomment-1429361016 The instructions for manual install and git install as they are on https://draculatheme.com/zsh right now don't work for me and...
Implements #59. I just couldn't wait. I do have doubts about one "missing" test case. What if the service name is invalid (that would cause a ValueError) and it has...
Soo I just found a bug in an automation I wrote. I wrote `notify.mobile_app_fairphone` instead of `notify/mobile_app_fairphone` The reason it took me a while to find, is that I made...
Not urgent at all. If this is still around by the time I've learned a bit of Rust, I might give this a stab myself. Looks like a good first...