Felix Hamborg
Felix Hamborg
Hi! Is it possible to define a custom loss function when training spacy's transformers? Specifically, I'm asking because the classes in my dataset are imbalanced, and I'd like to weight...
* Add a new entry to the configuration file * Add a new module in scrapy that discards articles that do not contain values from the newly added config entry
Example: http://www.zeit.de/2016/18/ttip-barack-obama-hannover-usa-widerstand Under the given URL only the first part of the article is shown. A (human) reader can either click on a link that points to the second page...
doc should either be added to readme.md or maybe we start another page for all functionality that is not directly related to the core functionality - gdeltcrawler - pandas exporter
we initially had the nominatim queries directly in the environment extractor, to spare some requests. however, as shown in https://github.com/bkrrr/Giveme5W/blob/master/extractor/extractors/environment_extractor.py we query each phrase that is a `LOCATION` so that...
- semantic similarity in learnweights - tree access is not speed optimized
The implementation of LCF-BERT in this repository is different to both the description of LCF-BERT in the paper (https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/9/16/3389/htm) as well as different to the original implementation of LCF-BERT by...