Florian G. Pflug
Florian G. Pflug
Will fix. Actually, this is the second or third time a new field added by an iOS upgrade his triggered this type of problem, so I think I'm just going...
Ah, actually I think this _is_ already fixed, but only in the STABLE_1_X branch. The master branch is currently unmaintained - I branched off STABLE_1_X because I intended to rewrite...
Does using port 5000 cause any problems, or ist this just for consistency with others? If there's nothing to be gained by changing it, I'm inclined to leave it alone.
> Apple does not ship libomp with its compiler, which means that it is not entirely trivial to compile packages using openMP on macOS. For this reason I don't think...
> I have never run into any issues using OpenMP with Rcpp. Could you file an issue for Rcpp? Also, based on my experience using packages developed by RStudio, it...