Florian Gilde
Florian Gilde
Yes my deployed test was on 6.0.14 but now I also updated this to 6.0.15 still the same https://mudex.azurewebsites.net/theme-edit
Oh yeah with 6.0.10 it's working fine (https://mudex.azurewebsites.net/theme-edit changed to 6.0.10)
Have you used 6.0.15? I dindt have any special DI setup. My Project is also only a test project from your Template. And in 6.0.10 its working and on 6.0.15...
Thanks for reporting. Will fix it as soon as possible
Its fixed. Currently not released yet but can tested in preview package [1.7.87-prev-2404011345-main](https://www.nuget.org/packages/MudBlazor.Extensions/1.7.87-prev-2404011345-main) or higher Please test it if you have time. Also demo is updated here https://mudex.azurewebsites.net/mud-ex-select
sorry for late response. currently a lot thinks to do. I have allready started working on it. will fix it as soon as possible
I've releasend an improved version. The select all behavior is still the same. I would expect that. However we can maybe add a new parameter to control the behavior. Please...
No you can close it. Was implicit fixed in 6.5.x