Fredric Georgsson
Fredric Georgsson
The initial load of the webapp is slow. Sometimes it does not even complete the first time, forcing you to reload the page manually. It usually works well after the...
It would be nice to get output per GPU like most other miners, that would help with tuning the cards. Perhaps: `249.0 250.5 238.5 - 738`
Dropping event above another event cuts it's height (time length) even though it is not resizable.
If I drop an event that is say 1 hour above another event, for example 30 minutes before it, the dropped event will be cut from 1 hour to 30...
If you supply a function for drag start, the element variable is undefined instead of containing the dragged element. jQuery('#calendar').weekCalendar({ ... eventDrag : function(calEvent, element) { element.addClass('moving'); // element is...