Florian Geierstanger

Results 7 issues of Florian Geierstanger

The [Fluid Components documentation ](https://github.com/sitegeist/fluid-components/blob/master/Documentation/DataStructures.md#named-slots)refers to release 3.7.0 which has _named slots_. However the latest release is 3.6.0. As this would be a very valuable addition to Fluid Components —...

Currently there if a user disables "Autoplay" in the preferences, animated gifs (or pngs) are paused and have no indication that it's a video. A possible solution would be to...

c: ui

I could not install the project as is, probably because my machine's node version is v20.5.1. Updating the NPM dependencies by running `npx taze major -w && npm install` resolved...

While the production build works fine, the development server has a routing issue. When the Vite dev server is active, it intercepts routing requests (user clicks on a link). The...


@crazy252 has made a TYPO3 extension for Vite https://github.com/crazy252/typo3_vite

@misterboe and @helhum both suggested to use a Fluid Viewhelper to include Vite generated CSS and JS - instead of the UserFunction [InsertViteAssets.php](https://github.com/fgeierst/typo3-vite-demo/blob/3ad1dfef12eeee76e5bd646ea1b72b7705304a30/packages/typo3_vite_demo/Classes/UserFunctions/InsertViteAssets.php) included by [setup.typoscript](https://github.com/fgeierst/typo3-vite-demo/blob/master/packages/typo3_vite_demo/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript#L177). What are the advantages...