Yeah, I downloaded the MIT set of training samples and put it in "mit\train\faces" and "mit\train\non-face"directory. But, I don't know how to run the training algorithm. Would you mind telling...
Thank you very much for your help! I have adjusted the line 11 in main with my GML AdaBoost installation path before I ran the main.m and then I got...
The command window display this messages: "Extracting features from positive image: 100 Extracting features from negative image: 100 Extracting features from negative image: 200" and the next line is error...
I don't have posFeatures.mat and negFeature,mat, instead I have negFeaturesBig.mat and posFeaturesBig.mat.
Sorry to bother you again. Still not working... The command window shows: Training starts...Current time: 14:4:42 ??? Error using ==> times Matrix dimensions must agree. Error in ==> tree_node_w.train at...