Gaël Poupard
Gaël Poupard
Désolé pour le retard mais comme expliqué dans mon article, la solution la plus propre que j'ai trouvée est effectivement de masquer par défaut en CSS les éléments, et d'effectuer...
In fact, it would more be like a metadata for each color. I don't know either how one would implement this, but in the UI it could simply be something...
@KittyGiraudel opens a new door [checking `details:not(:has(> summary)):not([tabindex^="-"])` in focusable-selectors]( Checking for required children (apart from their focusability) is a new step forward validating HTML through CSS. Need time to...
Newcomer: [@KittyGiraudel came up with a micro-lib to list focusable elements]( I guess this selector is comprehensive, or will be at some point. :)
We already [check for `aria-label` being present and not empty]( what improvement would you need?
For now, the only way I can think of is building the CSS file on your own, from the Sass sources. You can check `a11y-en.scss` as a basis, and wrap...
Be careful with specitify and `-*-:any()`'s old versions: there's [a dedicated issue in AutoPrefixer](
FWIW, [current W3C draft specification](
For now on, I can't think about a test that wouldn't be writable without `:matches()`, so for an extended browser support **we won't use this until it's fully supported on...
According to the [MDN browser compatibility table](, I think we gotta go :)