Felipe Flores
Felipe Flores
May I also suggest making the `appSecret` argument optional? If one implements any non-secret-based JWT verification (as is the case with @AzSiAz and myself), the secret isn't used in the...
Looks great! Way better than the hacky thing I put together hahaha. Thanks for the work @Camji55 !
Similarly to @HelderSi, I had to do a moduleNameMapper config, but I'm using yarn v2 PnP, so my config looks like this: ``` import { pathsToModuleNameMapper } from "ts-jest/utils"; export...
@RoyBkker I had the same thing happen but I think it's just that VS Code cached the types for db. I closed all my Typescript files and when I reopened...
Truth is I wouldn't even know where to begin. I created this to control my own Trane A/C so I had plenty of opportunity to test out different things. I'm...
Having the same error here