Franck Fleurey
Franck Fleurey
The problem seems to be that messages *received* by sync_send ports are nor de-queued properly. The sync_send should not make any difference for messages which are received.
org.thingml.xtext.helpers.ThingMLSerializer contains a pretty printer. It works but the formatting is not pretty. It is using the default OneWhitespaceFormatter. I do not understand why it does not use our ThingMLFormatter....
There are a couple of issues with the way we currently define ports: 1/ The semantics of provided and required is a bit tricky, it is mainly used for: a)...
At least when using the C/C++ code generator, calling functions in property initialization results in generated code which do not compile. The generated code does not make a correct reference...
The sync_send annotation on a port specififies that all messages sent on this port do not go through the FIFO but are implemented as synchronous calls to the receiver(s). It...
When using raw sensors we often want to save a subset of the data to a new sensor and delete the rest of the data. To do that we need...
Waiting for the release of version 1.1.x.
At this point it can only be used for debugging purposes and it is not very intuitive. - Properly display GATT info in the GUI and not only in the...
To provide a few simple samples which show how to use bglib.
The samples and the GUI use RXTX to connect to the BLED112 dongle. All the RXTX stuff should be packaged in a external dependency.