
Results 97 comments of Fed

here's the pull request: https://github.com/rainphp/raintpl3/pull/100 can you please review?

Thanks for reporting it, I'll check the code soon

Interesting. So means that we'll have to fix the path replace to make it compatible with the rfc 3986! Thanks for pointing this out.

Hi Alexander, this is definitely an issue and I'm sorry about that, ideally RainTPL inside quote or double quote shouldn't run any replacement, I'll work on it as soon as...

Oh snap, yeah I forgot about that trick. Thanks! On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 2:34 AM, Alexander Pyatkin wrote: > > I found a simpler workaround > {$url= 'http://www.example.com'}...

So I believe also {$counter} and {$value} are not passed inside the included template, right? If we've to pass all the special loop variable inside the loop!

Use PDO to get the query in array format and assign that variable into the template. You can also use a DB wrapper such as RainFramework DB: http://www.rainframework.com/User-Guide/Library/DB/get_row/ On Tue,...

All you've to do is to get the value of $site_name from the database: // I'm using RainFramework DB but you can use PDO or any other MySQL library $site_name...