
Results 3 issues of fettdrac

It is my first time to contribute codes to such a famous open-source project, there must be something important that are not mentioned by me, so if any problems happens,I...

请问大佬欢迎给whale加点功能吗?比如全局注入,动态hook别的app逻辑之类的 hook QQ encodeRequest 方法正常 实现已经实现好了,静态注入zygote,重启app就可以更新hook逻辑,不需要重启zygote

注入zygote时发生的情况,/system分区是只读的 虽然框架发布比较久了,也希望dalao能解决下这个问题 在JNI_CreateJVM回调里调用AKInitializeOnce出错,JVM和JNIEnv参数都没问题 05-19 09:40:40.442 2873-2873/? I/AndHook: SDK_INT = 22, IS_ART = true, ARCH = x86, BUILD = 20180719 CACHE_DIR = /sdcard/, LIBS_DIR = /system/lib/ 05-19 09:40:40.449 2873-2873/? E/AndHook: failed...