Festus Agboma
Festus Agboma
Hello @amarmane89 Did you find any solution to the problem, I'm also having the same isssue on my end
@edwardfoyle this is currenly on sandbox, I have not trying deploying the app from scratch with the same schema but I will be doing that some time today and will...
Hello @edwardfoyle . I just tried it on the amplify dashboard and it also timed out. you can download the log file [here](https://files.skillpaddy.com/publicdocumentlogs.txt)
@chrisbonifacio Also ran into this issue a few times, it seemed to come and go
Seems there might also be a limit on the nuber of models I can add. I tried adding some additional models to an existing schema and it threw this error...
Hello @chrisbonifacio , thank you. though I'm not quite sure how to add that property to the gen 2 backend. could help guide me with this.
Alright, thank you @chrisbonifacio
Hello @chrisbonifacio. I just tried redeploying my environment sandbox and got the timeout error again. I've attached my model and package.json ``` import { a, ClientSchema, defineData } from '@aws-amplify/backend';...
Hello @chrisbonifacio
Seems to work after retrying it a couple of times