Ferry Kranenburg (Caseware)
Ferry Kranenburg (Caseware)
We have lots of code where we pass the full path to the state and use only the last 'key' as the local name. Would love to see this working...
We got the same issue in Vue 3.2
Same issue here, at least `option:deselected` should be emitted when `clearSelection` was called or implement a new $emit like `option:cleared`. Now I have to implement this logic inside a watcher...
We have the same requirement, but this issue is open for a long time. Is it not going to happen?
Downgrading to Jodit version `3.17.1` fixes this for now.
Is this project still active? Vue 3 support is important.
`once` is also needed here, hopefully implemented soon
Vue 3 support is missing?