Marco Ferrari

Results 147 comments of Marco Ferrari

Factory reset, correct. I'll let you know if the command fixes this. Thanks!

Thanks for following up @Dark4Codrutz ! Here's a screenshot of the very same device before the disconnection. The information reported after the disconnection are different, and not the last known.

Hi! The `travis validate` command shouldn't be talking to any API to do its job, right? Or it's not the case?

Yes! I meant lint, not validate. Thanks! I was expecting the linting to work in an airgapped environment, like many other linting tools, that have the logic builtin.

A couple of updates: - Consul version: 1.8.2 I'm now checking if using the bootstrap ACL token directly instead of loading it from the K8S secret has any impact.

Is there a way to have a listing of the consul client configuration? I'm looking forward to the token that the client is using. Thanks!

After upgrading to the latest consul, it didn't occur anymore. I'll reopen if this appens again! Thanks!

Sorry to reopen this, but started happening again. Apparently, updating consul didn't fix it in the end :( I do have only one Consul cluster, that I deployed with the...

The debug output looks like the one I appended in my first message here :)