Feroze Mohideen
Feroze Mohideen
## POR- N/A ## What does this PR do?
## Pull request type Please check the type of change your PR introduces: - [x] Bugfix - [ ] Feature - [ ] Other (please describe): ## Pull request checklist...
**Describe the bug** I was testing the elasticache-controller, and I have found that when I run kubectl delete on the following template (attached), all resources are deleted except for the...
## POR- ## What does this PR do?
## POR- ## What does this PR do?
## POR- ## What does this PR do?
**Describe the bug** I am managing an RDS instance using the rds-controller, and I am trying to make it publicly accessible. When I change the publiclyAccessible attribute to true on...
**Describe the bug** I am installing my RDS controller using https://github.com/aws-controllers-k8s/ack-chart (image: public.ecr.aws/aws-controllers-k8s/rds-controller:1.2.1) with the following values: ``` rds: enabled: true deployment: replicas: 1 aws: region: us-east-1 deletionPolicy: retain resources:...