Fernando Pascoal

Results 10 comments of Fernando Pascoal

In my case i`m use Publisher Banner to Ad Manager. The test show normal but in production not show anything. someone can helpme?

@tongchunyin your update exist a warn: Module RNDFPInterstitial requires main queue setup

``` { setSizeOfPublicity(defaultSizes); console.log('Banner:onAdFailedToLoad', e); }} onAdLoaded={({width, height}) => { setSizeOfPublicity({height, width}); console.log('Banner:onAdLoaded'); }} onAdFailedToLoad={e => { setSizeOfPublicity(defaultSizes); console.log('Banner:onAdFailedToLoad', e); }} onAdOpened={() => console.log('Banner:onAdOpened')} onAdClosed={() => console.log('Banner:onAdClosed')} onAdLeftApplication={() => console.log('Banner:onAdLeftApplication')}...

@DavidWells This lib is a good one and would solve many react-native problems. We currently use GA for firebase and there are many differences mainly in the reports.

@chrisdrackett i forked the [react-native-google-analytics](https://github.com/react-native-community/react-native-google-analytics) and adjust to send metrics. The firebase report is very different and you can see web report with this lib. it worked well for me....

May be can trying to change condition `@available(iOS 14, *))` to `@available(iOS 14, iOS 15, *)`. I'm trying it now.

@emp3ror you checked quantity of data? Maybe you tried render many data and device crash.

send a empty string or JSON.stringify(obj)