Fernando Neto
Fernando Neto
in the url you must use ssh address of your repo. make the test and worked for me
@knownasilya thank you for your fast answer. about the bash script idea i cant get your train of thought. can you please be more verbose? :)
@knownasilya thank you for your help :+1:
@knownasilya in fact i think i express myself wrong. what i really want is after create a new tag based in a branch, strider is able to deploy it. so...
Yep thats it. maybe a plugin that give this options would be very usefull don't you think?
@knownasilya i already have strider start from release new tags. my proble now is the same as @bitwit . i can get any information in branch column. ![captura de ecra...
just to keep the tracking if someone else have the same problem https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ci-multi-runner/issues/250 i will try to give a study on documentation and create a PR
@usmanismail maybe it use the package `awscli` and you have to configure the file at `~/aws/config`. Only this way you can get acess to AWS API. hope it help you