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I have a higher generation speed on your software, but I'm not sure that it is appropriate for such purposes than BitCrack need your advice

@JeanLucPons hi, is there any news?

really looking forward to when you have free time to use the project to carry out the Pollard rho please make soft for brute-force bitcoin addresses

[reference to an algorithm for solving an ECDLP that claims to have subexponential time](https://catalog.lib.kyushu-u.ac.jp/opac_download_md/1434304/p145.pdf). There, in the presentation, some formulas are not very clear, but it is clear that Semaev’s...

@JeanLucPons please read this post https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1306983.msg51785368#msg51785368

Yes, we really miss such a tool (software). Unfortunately, not everyone knows programming well. I also hope that @JeanLucPons will do something to share with people. There is nothing here...

@JeanLucPons You have high hopes =) you are a very smart person, we will be grateful to you

Here is what I found: https://catalog.lib.kyushu-u.ac.jp/opac_download_md/1434304/p145.pdf Subexponential algorithm, sort of like. Can you program it? Nice your translated article here: https://habr.com/ru/post/335906/ Wanted to add next... Baby-step-giant-step can working with k...