Fergus Bentley
Fergus Bentley
Currently, the 1:1 relationships of Class->Spellcasting and Class->StartingEquipment exist in the schema as URL strings, rather than the data simply being embedded in the Class object. This only serves to...
Monster's damage vulnerabilities, resistances and immunities should be NamedAPIResource structures
Using full references makes the content better digestible by data-consuming applications, and also brings the structure of monsters' damage immunities/etc. in line with the structure of their condition immunities. Instead...
Backgrounds don't have any set way to specify starting gold - they have a `pouch` item, but no gold. Perhaps we can use the `Cost` shape under a `starting_gold` attribute.
## What does this do? This PR deletes and stops tracking build artifacts such as OpenAPI specs and the Postman collection. Instead, these files are now generated during the `deploy`...
Regenerating the OpenAPI Spec files and the Postman collection for the API is a task which is easy to forget when working on a PR for this repo. Instead, these...