I got it working. Several problems here: The first looks like a bug in VSCode. To view the debug console, I need to switch to another debug console then switch...
also, tagging gdb-server for this repo and not using it makes me doing wrong guess on how it's working. Maybe claryfing it in the documentation can be a good idea...
Oh, yeah, sorry. So it can also be used to connect to an existing gdbserver. Is it possible to add a feature to automaticaly run the gdbserver (and managing the...
I'm using this to have a good GUI ! Here is my config files for a firefox-in-a-gui: ``` Dockerfile FROM jlesage/baseimage-gui:ubuntu-18.04 RUN apt update; apt isntall -y firefox COPY startapp.sh...
doesn't work anymore. use: lib_deps = esphome/ESPAsyncWebServer-esphome@^3.0.0 esphome/AsyncTCP-esphome@^1.2.2
no, i've done it with nodered
ok nice. should i need to do something ?