
Results 35 issues of Fabrizio

Hello there! Thanks for the magical tool! It took a while to get my head around but it is great! I was testing out the capability of the proto ->OpenAPIV3...

I'm experiencing a race condition which doesn't allow me to graceful shutdown my service correctly. My worker pulls from the queue and starts doing long-running jobs. When kubernetes sends the...

Hi! This is an amazing project thanks for building it. I was wondering if there was any intention of supporting the `gRPC` protocol going forward; or if there is already...

It will be hugely beneficial if we can create a registry of all proto messages automatically so that we don't need to pass `typeRegistry` for the `Any` type which is...


It will be hugely beneficial if we can create a registry of all proto messages automatically so that we don't need to pass `typeRegistry` for the `Any` type which is...


Hi! me again! I can't thank you enough for this piece of art! I came across an inconsistent behaviour while implementing the [Twirp](https://github.com/hopin-team/twirp-ts) specification. When using `Message.decode()`, it throws an...

help wanted

This is a very nice beauty! Thanks a lot for making it! However why not supporting the native `grpc` package for client and server stubs? The use of a native...

I'm opening this thread with the hope that the terraspace team understands how close they are to providing a **perfect**, **simple**, **powerful** framework for terraform. If you could implement these...

help wanted

**Bug description** ### Context I'm trying to setup the CI pipeline in Google CloudBuild. ### Steps - I've followed carefully all the steps porting the gitlab pipeline example over. -...


Unfortunately due to lack of time and passion for Dgraph i'm unable to maintain the project as i'd like to. If any of you would like to be a maintainer...