Pierre Fenoll

Results 120 issues of Pierre Fenoll

> Efficiently cache crate dependencies. I'd like to discuss the future of `cargo-wharf` and to this extent some ideas I'd like to collaborate on. ## Cache integration and the case...

I start some docker containers using docker-compose and their log output has color escape sequences. I recently discovered that I could see my container’s logs with ctop which is nice!...

I'd like to generate one of a slice of constants to be able for instance to draw from a finite slice of hard-coded user IDs strings. With generators of constants...


Tests can have a title that eunit displays next to the test module:name. [See my branch for an example of a title in a test.](https://github.com/seancribbs/eunit_formatters/compare/master...fenollp:titles?w=1#diff-f08a10831ca83b045cb61e87608b538f) I have been tinkering with...

Interesting project! It’s great to see more tooling around the BEAM :) I just came about https://github.com/erlang/otp/pull/2069 and couldn’t find documentation expressing the differences between the 2 projects as apparently...

Hi, I am using [v0.4](https://github.com/tkonolige/dbignore/releases/tag/v0.4) and my Dropbox folder is under `DBHOME=~/Public/Dropbox/` and my watched files are symlinked from there. I have issue #7 (though `DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=/Applications/Dropbox.app/Contents/dropbox_inj.dylib /Applications/Dropbox.app/Contents/MacOS/Dropbox` does show `Dropbox[562]:...

You press a letter while the picture is displayed: - S : save this picture to your user-manageable Downloads folder - W : open the image in a fitted browser...

- Maybe we could do without the top-banner saying "BetterZoom"? - It could be nice to have a bottom-banner that displays the image's alt-text

https://www.shellcheck.net is a static analyzer for shell scripts (although it works better when it knows if that script is for sh, bash, fish, ...) It would be nice and often...

This is the code that goes with https://medium.com/@powderapp/mediapipe-tutorial-find-memes-that-match-your-facial-expression-9bf598da98c0 Note: you should be able to import the artifacts at [this link](https://github.com/fenollp/mediapipe/actions?query=workflow%3A%22FacialSearch+iOS+framework%22) into your Swift iOS app. EDIT Blog post also republished...