Alex Saft
Alex Saft
Hi! Very nice library and I am using it for a long time. Thank you! One question: is there any way to add new key or sub key to store?...
Hello! Didn't you think about some way to specify possible list of IDs? For example: ```ts // it is possible to build programmatically from your translations object, even nested type...
Hi! Very interesting lib. What do you think about typescript support? Is it on the roadmap?
### Clear and concise description of the problem Hi! I could not find any solution for select (for example, for genders) and ordinal (1st, 2nd, 3rd...) i18n. Is there any...
Added parachains and testnet for the [Unique network]( [Docs for chain ids and RPC URLs]( Chains: Unique parachain for Polkadot, chainId 8880 Quartz parachain for Kusama, chainId 8881 Opal testnet,...