Felix Kiss
Felix Kiss
In Haml, indentation has a special meaning (it represents the hierarchy). Haml conversion happens before Liquid conversion, and all your Liquid commands are plain text for Haml. Therefore, whenever using...
Sorry, I missed this completely! Will verify soon ™️ 🙃
What exactly do you mean by „to sync“?
`ignore:` is used with an actual value. I'm not sure what you are trying to do here. Can you give more (code) context? Or close issue if not relevant anymore...
I'm confused, this is what this package is supposed to do, isn't it? > simply save the model as you normally would, and let the package worry about the validation....
For me, this tests are successful, if I extend my Test class from `PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase`, but go wrong if I extend from `TestCase` (included into the framework). I couldn't figure out...