Felix Barz (Brickmakers)

Results 8 comments of Felix Barz (Brickmakers)

What is the status on this. I found this issue via #68 and "followed the tracks" to #73 and #77. As it seems, all of these variants are work in...

Well, the usecase is to simply be able to use this library for the desktop platforms, which are in beta now and will become stable soon. So, my personal usecase...

So, after the Github Advisory Database supporting dart packages is now a thing, this actually becomes very useful. Does anyone know whether Dependency Check already uses the Advisory Database?

> > So, after the Github Advisory Database supporting dart packages is now a thing, this actually becomes very useful. Does anyone know whether Dependency Check already uses the Advisory...

New infos: I found the position in the code where the exception is throw: It happens in https://github.com/FlutterGen/flutter_gen/blob/main/packages/runner/lib/flutter_gen_runner.dart#L62 Apparently, the `buildStep.findAssets` fails to find the pubspec.yaml. I checked with the...

Yes, this did work for me as well. Another fix would be to simply delete the build.yaml. My suggestion: Add a "known issue" to the README, that when using a...

It is possible to globally disable all touches when obscured by setting this property on the root view in your MainActivity (Kotlin code Sample): ```kt val view = findViewById(android.R.id.content).rootView view.filterTouchesWhenObscured...

@Avijaygovinda I already did, see my first reply (https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/40422#issuecomment-691024837). I have no solution for the WebView problem.