Felipe Ryan
Felipe Ryan
Would this achieve a graceful shutdown? https://gist.github.com/feliperyan/2160d6df63f502079d7995372bc09e5c
@ingCr3at1on Joining channel receives in the manageConns func. What im not certain about is: let’s say there’s 1000 clients and as I start iterating through them all, closing connections more...
Hey @seesemichaelj has work been done on this one yet?
Thanks for getting back to me @seesemichaelj , IMHO the *tl;dr* is: Remove PSP all together. Use PSA to assign a `enforce=baseline` level of security to the namespace. Assume a...
Hey @jama22 thanks for this, I stumbled on this issue when trying to follow https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/quickstarts/build-and-deploy/deploy-java-service which fails as the runtime in the buildpack defaults to 11 and seems not to...
@andrewychoi did you manage to get a python 3.4 version of this going? Anyone else?
@andrewychoi Thanks for this Andrew, I'm new to Vagrant - I can see the Vagrantfile picks up on provision_numpy_scipy.sh but there are a number of other bash scripts in there....
Thank you @andrewychoi I might still give this a go at a later stage but for now I have followed @abezzub and got it working with the condo buildpack he...
Yo, I ended up getting it to work. My goal was to run palladium on it. From memory it involved using P3.4 On Sat, 2 Apr 2016 at 21:11, byooo...