Two points to consider: - It is needed to show info for all deployed blockchains in the local network - Codespace info usually is not going to be shown (only...
First proposal is to add a couple questions to avalanche subnet create after enabling teleporter . related to also deploying certain applications. Do you want to deploy a standard dapp...
could you please include an output of `avalanche key list --fuji` ? also, pls can you include the output as ascii text in the response, not only the image
would like first to try to understand something: in the first example you were using a key named `mytestkey` but on the key list it is shown you have a...
still seeing the insufficient funds message? could you provide output for the latest case using tk key?
already implemented in CLI. `subnet deploy` can be called just to create the subnet, then called again to create a blockchain.
Could you please 1) update to latest CLI v1.3.6 (verify that with --version flag) 2) execute `network clean` 3) try again If continue having issues, please provide us the compressed...
Could you provide us the compressed contents of ~/.avalanche-cli/runs
Hi! Could you please send us the complete i/o for the subnet create and subnet deploy commands that can be used to reproduce the issue.
Also send if possible a tar of ~/.avalanche-cli/runs/