@jackeyGao 方便具体说明一下这些tag的来源和加的方法吗? 我想做一个跟诗歌style(比如叙事抒情咏怀这种genre)有关的project,希望能有大量labeled data,按理说这些标签已经存在了,但我不太清楚去哪里找,请问有什么好的建议吗?
@ScottishFold007 方便分享一下调参经验吗
@artitw Thanks for the great work. Is there any easy way to do inferencing and play with it(e.g. inferencing code + trained model or via an online demo etc.)?
@artitw Thank you. However, this project is a pure wrapper of Microsoft's UniLM, which you didn't cite in your paper - is this UniLM the model you used in your...