Scott Hemmert
Scott Hemmert
Since the SubComponent naming uses colons to separate out parent and child names, Component names (or slot names) with colons creates names that are not findable using findComponentByName in the...
Passing NULL for the time base argument to configureLink indicates the (sub)component's current default time base should be used as the time base for the link. However, configureLink doesn't actually...
Would be nice to have an sst-info like functionality to print information about the python modules included in element libraries. For example, a way to document the topology classes in...
SSTPythonModelDefinition doesn't call Py_Finalize when deleted.
Add the ability to checkpoint and restart SST runs.
In the testing framework call run_sst, stderr is automatically piped to stdout if no file is provided for stderr to be written. This works correctly for serial and threaded runs....
Add a new synchronization mode for threaded only jobs that do null message synchronization (threads ensure they stay within the lookahead window with its neighbors, but there are no global...
Add a new synchronization mode for MPI-only jobs that do null message synchronization (each rank ensures it stays within the lookahead window with its neighbors, but there are no global...
**Please describe the new features with any relevant use cases.** PortModules will be added to the core interfaces. The PortModule will be able to intercept Events on both send and...