Scott Hemmert

Results 87 comments of Scott Hemmert

I like the idea of making the .clang-format file available in the elements if lead developers for each library would like to use it. However, in the near to medium...

The error you're seeing happens when the event queue has no more events to process. Usually this means that no initial events were sent. I'm not familiar with the CMT...

The purpose for process_input() is to wrap the RtrEvent with your topology specific event derived from internal_router_event. This class also sets the VC of the packet based on the incoming...

That typically means you have a function (called something close to base_routing) that is declared, usually in a header file, but there is no implementation of it in the library....

I would need to know your configuration to be able to give a complete answer. I can say, that there are control event that flow between the PortControl and LinkControl...

What are you trying to filter them from? Where are you data collection points in the code? Anything send during init() and complete() should be taking different paths through the...

Dragonfly topology requires at least two groups. If you want to simulate a single router, use the "Single" topology. If you want a single group, this is just a 1D...

In the case of numNodes < 8, you have nodes in the network that have not been allocated a job. If you don't want to use a node, you need...

Using more than on "job" requires the use of a load file. There is an example in sst/elements/ember/tests. The files: Are scripts which use with a...

Sorry for all the bold text in the last post. Apparently the "#" symbol gives you bold in these posts. They were supposed to be commented lines.