Scott Hemmert
Scott Hemmert
This is probably too simple of a fix to actually work, but could you change line 131 of configGraph.h (or close to that line, I'm on a slightly modified version...
Nice to get lucky sometimes. Thanks for your sleuthing.
Closing. Fixed in #874
I would hold off on this one. The event profiling is about to be superseded by the new Profiling Points API. The new event profiling will only print those items...
Currently, there are no official conventions in the coding standards for using namespaces. This will be revisited as part of our ongoing work to clean up the core API to...
I thought we had added it to another PR, but I'm not seeing the changes in devel or master. We'll need to do a separate PR for it.
What's happening here is that the serial run is able to run through all the "post-run" code, whereas the parallel runs are not able to do that. The simulated time...
This is a challenge to do since UnitAlgebra doesn't really know anything about the units that are registered with it. We could possibly change the unit registration to include the...
This is not as straightforward as it may seem. We can't just always end simulation when we run out of events because more often than not this means there was...
The Config object has some functions that we don't really want to be part of the public API. We may be able to create a user visible Config object with...