
Results 5 issues of feipengheart

## Description I tried to stamp the time after the connection was successful and calculate the latest frame number by the difference between the time when the video frame was...

## Description I tried to stamp the time after the connection was successful and calculate the latest frame number by the difference between the time when the video frame was...

### Issue description 编排篇日志如下 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/66514726/138018777-66b378f9-5d53-4112-9a1f-b4b57cf37128.png) 为什么只有hmac-auth生效了,jwt-auth没生效呢 一直都是最后一个生效 ### Environment - apisix version (cmd: `apisix version`): - OS (cmd: `uname -a`): - OpenResty / Nginx version (cmd: `nginx -V` or `openresty...


ConnectionError: ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, '连接被对方重设')) ![image](https://github.com/geekyutao/Inpaint-Anything/assets/66514726/b072bbde-4fbc-475a-895c-d063b2a2d94e)
