
Results 5 issues of featherfly

Does this issue occur when all extensions are disabled?: Yes/No - VS Code Version: 1.61.0 - OS Version: windows 7 Steps to Reproduce: 1. create a worksapce 2. enable or...


### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. 我想用xmake作为嵌入式的编译工具,但是内件的模板没有,只能自己手动复制文件,再编辑xmake ### Describe the solution you'd like 提供一个可以从指定的模板创建新项目的功能,可以参考npm一系的实现 1. 最简单的就是直接指定一个git仓库,直接拉下来(例如 xmake create -t https://github.com/xxx/yyy) 2. 再进一步就是定义一个创建初始化项目的流程插入点,我们可以在模板仓库里定义一些列的初始化动作(可以使用lua脚本) 3. 更进一步就是像管理lib仓库一样管理初始化仓库,可以直接像注册lib仓库一样注册模板仓库(例如 xmake...

feature request

- [ ] **Question**. i use vsoced clangd plugin for code assistant instead microsoft cpp plugin when i switch env with vscode pio plugin toolbar button pio generate file c_cpp_properties.json...


i use tesng for orm lib project project release with jdk8 but testng run with jdk11 i can run testng first ( it will be error ) and then click...

像下面这样 ` ` `var postSchema = new Schema({ privilege: { type: 'object', default () { return {}; }, fields: { startTime: { label: '开始时间', type: 'datetime', required: true, rules: {...