Fernando Dodino

Results 11 issues of Fernando Dodino

```wollok class Criterio { var property minimo = 0 var property maximo = 6 method elegirLado() } object mismoLado inherits Criterio { const lado = minimo.randomUpTo(maximo).roundUp() override method elegirLado() =...

component: interpreter
severity: 3 - Major

```wollok mixin Energy { var property energy = 100 method reduceEnergy(amount) { energy = energy - amount } } mixin GetsHurt inherits Energy { method receiveDamage(amount) { // self.energy(self.energy() -...

component: mixins

La migración involucra un pequeño detallecito, que es el cambio del [Class Loader de Java bastante más estricto](https://blog.codefx.org/java/java-11-migration-guide/#Casting-To-URL-Class-Loader). Actualmente si uno intenta compilar con Java 11, [esta línea](https://github.com/uqbar-project/wollok/blob/fb04285d81dd9840d456c6316a6dd926b0aec9bc/org.uqbar.project.wollok/src/org/uqbar/project/wollok/libraries/JarWollokLib.xtend#L72) nos tira...

## Issue original Es un NTH (Nice to have), me gustaría que el validador detecte este código ```wollok method pesoDeCarga() = cosas.map {cosa => cosa.peso() }.sum() ``` como un ¿WARNING?...

type: Needs Discussion
type: Nice to Have
component: validator
component: quickfix

Si intentamos generar un directorio con espacios y ejecutamos `wollok test` desde el wollok-cli se rompe, principalmente porque el launcher de Wollok Xtext está tirando un NPE. Habría que investigarlo.

type: Enhancement
type: Needs Discussion
component: tests

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4549002/65417647-e798d600-ddd0-11e9-94ad-374e6692b7a0.png) Estaría bueno que haya un Quick Fix asociado para que te permita crear el método.

component: quickfix

![autocomplete_constantes](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4549002/63225145-b6aafd00-c1a3-11e9-8813-4e36cf247a32.gif) El autocomplete podría incluir todas las referencias globales

type: Enhancement
component: autocomplete

Today this is feasible. Nevertheless, it is error prone and a bad practice, I remember wasting several hours because of same reason in Arena. So we should add a validator.

component: validator
severity: 2 - Medium

Now that type system is activated, it would be nice if static diagram infers all associations based on its type.

type: Enhancement
component: static diagram
severity: 1 - Minor

Original Issue #764: every time you send a message in Repl console, you put the command in a stack context. As Javi said: Ok. This is basically how the REPL...

type: Nice to Have
component: repl
severity: 1 - Minor
complexity: 4 - Hard