I am trying to train a model for pedestrians (using TownCentre annotations) based on the KITTI example for cars. First I tried using the original resolutions (1920x1080), but changing the...
The problem is always on "bboxes-masked" I will try your suggestion. The original size in the network is actually 1248x384 (copied the values from above, which turned out to be...
I have tried your suggestion, but still get an error on the shape-issue. I attach the resulting log-file: [caffe_output.txt](https://github.com/NVIDIA/DIGITS/files/481977/caffe_output.txt)
I did not change anything else, just replaced all instanced of 1248 by 1920, 384 by 1080 and 352 by 1088. Does the last one make sense? It seems indeed...