Florian Dehau

Results 28 comments of Florian Dehau

How does the demo look like when you run it with `--enhanced-graphics false` ?

Ok so if all characters of this range are rendered this way with this font I think the only solution would be to provide an alternative set of characters to...

It is definitely possible but also probably very time consuming given the amount of cases that need to be tested. I'm not willing to put any work on this at...

I agree the axis can be confusing. The main issue is that most the widgets use `(x, y)` for something that should actually be `(col, row)`. The canvas uses Cartesian...

Ok sure thing. Thanks for the report anyway. I've requalified the issue in the meantime.

@stbor I think the best approach would be to have a different vocabulary for each coordinates system: - We should use the row and column denomination for everything that deals...

Thanks for the report. I'm already aware of the issue as illustrated by the `--enhanced-graphics` option of the demo, which allow you to [disable braille patterns](https://github.com/fdehau/tui-rs/blob/ecb482f2978bfbfe396fa29968a4b72e01432c86/examples/demo/ui.rs#L199) and other less supported...

There is no way at the moment to do such things. I would welcome a PR though =).

In `tui`, widgets are meant to be compact commands to draw common UI elements that can be found in a terminal user interface. Thus they hold the minimum amount of...

There is no plan at the moment to support ansi codes directly in Text::raw. The main reason is that it has portability issues and tui has already its own concept...