Pardon my ignorance, but I'm not sure what you mean with interpreted and compiled mode. I thought it was always interpreted in in .Net. I cloned the project to see...
Could you give examples of those ways of evaluating? I'm using somehting like this: ``` NCalc.Expression expression = new NCalc.Expression(formula); expression.EvaluateFunction += NCalcExtensionFunctions; // adding my own functions expression.Parameters =...
So compiled/lambda mode is faster but it seems a bit less intuitive. Are there any drawbacks to the lambda mode? Can i still use it when the formula and parameters...
I will quite likely create the formulas 10 000:s of times, so I guess I'll have to stick with the interpreted mode. I have a function that looks like this,...
Hi cryo75, The fluent api that I'm using is part of the question.
The Person_id column is created automatically by Entity Framework, because I have a naviagation property on Person (WorkItems). The code above gives me the table structure that I'm after. But...
That's correct! In my example (the real situation is much more complicated) I want to say that a person has a number of workitems, but the workitem is also created...
Tried adding a property on WorkItem called Owner and changing the fluen API to: modelBuilder.Entity() .HasMany(p => p.WorkItems) .WithRequired(w => w.Owner) .WillCascadeOnDelete(); Same result unfortunately. Not sure it's EF related...
This is the project I'm using to test this issue: [GraphDiffTest.zip](https://github.com/zzzprojects/GraphDiff/files/1505459/GraphDiffTest.zip)
I know that it works fine when you're not using GraphDiff. My problem is when you use GraphDiff...