Results 26 issues of fcying

As long as i have used` NERDTreeToggle` with `On-demand loading` once, vim-dirvish can't work. used NERDTreeToggle not with On-demand loading work fine. reproduce: ``` $vim :NERDTreeToggle open file - Error...

help wanted

测试2.5.3, 在新建配置的时候无法连上配置URL (配置是挂在软路由上的, 通过软路由的DNS 把域名转成内网的IP) 用adb logcat 看, 没访问系统的dns, 连接的公网IP. 换回2.4.14, 能正常下载配置URL. 这个是2.5.3哪里的默认配置改了吗? 有地方可以改回去吗? 还是说就不读系统dns了?


### Description use ltag get a loclist. when I use `lopen`, can jump to correct line. when I use `Telescope loclist`, can't jump to correct line. ### Neovim version ```markdown...


nas 设了断电恢复后自动开机. 重启后不登录用户账号的话, CommandTrayHost就不启动了.

feature request

有的软件运行后进程里有2个不同名字的. 直接选停用. 只停了 cmd 里面设的那个, 另外一个还在. 像下面这个. 运行后 有个bash 和sshd, 停用后 sshd的还在, 没关掉 ``` "cmd": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\bash.exe -c \"bash /home/\"", ``` 可以加个 `stop_cmd`, 不设, 或者留空的时候 就和现在一样. 设了后点停用 就执行这里面的

feature request

Description ----------- I want to modify omz's `misc.zsh` so I set `export ZSH_CUSTOM=$HOME/.dotfiles/zsh_custom` in .zshrc, but it can't work, it also use `~/.antigen/bundles/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/lib/misc.zsh`. ## Software version - `Antigen v2.2.2` -...

I test install `libz3-dev`, but it can't work also. ``` :LspInstallServer mkdir: cannot create directory ‘../servers/clangd’: No such file or directory 2 Downloading clangd and LLVM... 3 % Total %...

I set `let g:lsp_settings_filetype_python = 'pyls-ms'` in my vimrc. But when I run LspInstallServer, it still run install pyls. need run `LspInstallServer pyls-ms`. Can it let LspInstallServer default install which...

``` diagnostic : unexpected token: [vimlsp:] let g:test = [ 'a', "\ 'b', \ 'c' ] ```

bug of vimlparser

When I finish edit the file using `e` or `, I want go back to tig viewer,