Fabien Bonalair

Results 8 comments of Fabien Bonalair

I have the same issue, skipped resolvers because the saved certificate's permission are 660 instead of 600. Nor the annotation trick or chmod the file works for me. My temporary...

Which version of the Bouncer are you using? There's a fix at version 0.3.4 that concern usage of Cloudflare. Can you try that version? Have you configured Traefik to trust...

Hi, thanks for the suggestion. Yes, caching would definitely be a nice feature, plus the data are quite suitable to be cached. I'm more concerned about the cache duration, since...

> @fbonalair With a quick look at the [crowdsec api](https://crowdsecurity.github.io/api_doc) values returned from the decisions endpoint include the `decision duration` and the `until` per one decision. I believe those can...

I took the liberty only to review the #33 PR since it's written to be based on the #32. Anyway, many thanks for the work! I have put some comments...

Unfortunately this bouncer service Traefik [ForwardAuth](https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/middlewares/http/forwardauth/) middleware only supported for HTTP. And for TCP, neither [InFlightConn](https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/middlewares/tcp/inflightconn/) nor [IPWhiteList](https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/middlewares/tcp/ipwhitelist/) would be suitable for with this bouncer. Maybe you can ask guys...

Right now, the response from the bouncer is hardcoded to be a text, that's why in the Response Header the content-type is `text/plain` and the browser interpret that raw. I...

Hello, One fix is to add your Windows' PC in Crowdsec [whitelist](https://docs.crowdsec.net/docs/whitelist/intro). Gut filling say it is not recommended but I have no other idea.