Results 10 comments of FBLGit

No, It doesn't works like that. The interfaces are promiscuous on the unifi's, and they have multiple interfaces.. there is no disconnect to scan.. and I have tons of AP's...

can I see a use case for this ? one that doesn't imply a bad practice such as dropping secrets into a repo.

@apparentlymart What about creating the folder and instead of copying the files, on those OS+FS that allow it we just produce symlinks? Would that work ?? TBH, I'm not sure...

useless. this project is always same poor maintain... # pip3 install cloudscraper # import cloudscraper as cfscrape and that was all..

have u consider to put it in some more places ? mostly coz in ur guide you state: http://dl.sipeed.com/MAIX/MaixPy/ide/ But then inside there .. no mega/baidu drive. then u have...

IMHO, what you are trying to leverage in Atlantis .. is a bit out of scope. I think that the approach is somehow wrong, a CI/CD phase seems more in...

$workDir formulation... does not include $projectName. workDir is formulated before opening the config.yaml (where projectName is declared). Interim I would suggest to use different workspaces... even add some notes on...

this model is absolutely extraordinary. I can't believe how smart like GPT4 is this one. The 4Bit version of HF works very very good, need to be onboarded.

quite weird, i just trained the DPO and my loss is normal across epochs, pretty much similar to the results shared on hf model card. how about rebase and try...

I got this part running, just `chmod +x` the script of `wait-for-it.sh`. Remove the chmod+x statement from the docker-build cmd of this container. And it will boot. You may need...